Saturday, September 05, 2009


Tonight we had party for Maximo (the 2 year old), Tess (the 3 year old) and Allie (the 4 year old). We lugged tons of food and libations to the River Mall and a good time was had by all (I think).

The new blog photo/title was created by John on his iPhone app: Photogene. It's Denis and Maximo eating lunch last week.


K. Welbes said...

I think everyone had a good time, too. All of the food was eaten, so that is a good sign. I love the photo of Riley and Maximo. Too cute!

Terie and Kelani said...

I like the new logo! and happy birthday to all!

Celia said...

Great party, ladies!

Great banner, Los Lemleys!

Happy Birthday, Bax!