Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lola's End of Year Celebration

The start of the school year in Japan is April which is a nice time because it's when it is starting to warm up and the plum and cherry blossoms bloom which is a magical time of year in Japan.

At the end of the school year, students have presentations or specials days.  Lola's daycare is no exception.  She had a little part to say "Hait" and raise her hand, then go pick a piece of food from the "fake food pantry" and then claim it is "Oishi!" Delicious.  She cried when they called her name because she needed to have the doughnut from the fake food pantry at before it was her turn, but recovered quickly and was very cute with all her friends.

After the little kids were done, the "older class" re-enacted Three Billy Goats Gruff and then showed off their gymnastic skills.

It's always a cute day!

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