Saturday, December 19, 2009

Feliz Año, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc.

I have been working for hours trying to get our Christmas card made. The other night, I gave up because I was tired. I thought I couldn't find a solution because I was tired... but I think it's the Kodak website.

For a few years, it has allowed me to make my own card, upload it, then the nice people at Kodak would individually ship them to my recipient list (which is a huge favor when living overseas, though a bit more expensive). This year, they are not so nice. I don't know if they are calling it something else or have stopped offering this service, but I am tired of trying to figure it out! I could have hand delivered them by now. Therefore, this is what it is supposed to look like. Those of you on my list, you will get something, I assure you, what it will be remains uncertain.
(Take 1)

(Take 3)

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