Saturday, November 05, 2011

Photo "Friday" - Week 47

 Lola Caroline - Week 47  
(or something like that) 
- I'm starting to realize that my numbers don't seem to match up to 52 weeks!

It's been another crazy week - John and I have grades due Monday, so it's been busy.

Lola's cutting another tooth and is continuing to eat like a 5 year old and 
demolishing our kitchen/living room, over and over and over again.  

Taking these photos are not fun, these days....

 I take about 30 pictures, and after every 5 or so, I have to stop and wipe the snot and/or drool.
 Then I give her something to try to get her to stop moving a bit - like a do when I change her diaper, which is nearly impossible without her flipping all over the place.  And she still won't look at me, she's watching her brother.
"Hey Max, jump on my back and make Lola laugh"
Really, anything to get this done.
 Again, not looking at the camera, but this face cracks me up!
  And by the end, she's fussing and losing it.
The torture parents put their kids through.
 So after downloading 47 pictures, and deleting all but the ones you see here
- we get an okay one...she's lucky she's cute!

And a little more Flavius love.

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