Monday, January 25, 2010

Life These Days

Sweet Max - Posing with Flavius

Not-so-sweet Maximo kicking Flavius

I've been trying to think of an appropriate simile for living with a toddler. The only thing I can come up with is that it's like living with someone with multiple personalities. Some days I sit back and sigh and think I could have a hundred more. And others I'm ready to put him on a plane to his grandmother's by himself.

He does some really cute things and some really not cute things. How do people choose to have a second child when they have a two year old in the house?

Rather than rant or brag, I'll post a few pictures of our week. Sorry I've been bad about posting, work has been busy and exhausting!
Playing with his "digger" and "Dizzy" in the yard.

Surprisingly strong - wheelbarreling around the kitchen

For months we could barely get him in a jacket.
He gets a new jacket tonight and we can get him out of it, so he wore it to dinner.
It's a nice puffy snow jacket, so he could barely connect the fork to his mouth.

1 comment:

Terie and Kelani said...

so how is this any different than before kids? Instead of dealing with real issues (now) in lieu of all those other issues (before kids and the "should of could of would of"..)I think this hits the MYP criterion D, as far as mathematics is concerned....
okay, blame the three snow days and the possible fourth one coming up AND reports are due and they are not standard.